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Guiding Principles

The Upasana Charitable society believes that nursing as a profession involves in helping the individuals, family and society to prevent illness, promote and maintain optimum health, recovery and rehabilitation from illness, disability and to assist to have peaceful death.

  • We believe that graduate in Nursing should be equipped with adequate knowledge, skill and attitude to render quality service to the clients with various disorders in various settings (Hospital, home and community).
  • We recognize that the graduates in nursing should possess clinical expertise, technical management skill, sound judgment, communication skills, self-confidence, self-discipline and leadership qualities to work as an efficient member of the health team.
  • We believe in all round development of the students and prepare them to cope with increasing complexity of life and adjust to the changing needs of the society.
  • We accept that the graduates in nursing are intellectually and morally enlightened and professionally equipped so that they are able to function effectively in health programmes and contribute to the health welfare of the society and Nation.
  • We recognize that the nursing profession and its related activities have changed a lot. Now the health personnel are the health care providers, the clients are the health demanders with much anticipation, and cost effective nursing services are expected by the clients.
  • We accept that the nursing profession has become an important and inevitable component in the health care delivery system and nursing education is the key to the development of the nursing profession and hence it necessitated continued education.