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Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing

The Department of Medical Surgical Nursing aims to offer meticulous training to make both undergraduate and postgraduate students exceptional based on the philosophy to enable then to face new challenges and opportunities.

As a department, we the faculty prepare the students to develop scientific knowledge and proficiency in caring for patients with medical surgical disorders in various health care setting and equip them to assume various roles in the clinical field.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing

The department is designed for graduate and postgraduate students to develop in-depth knowledge and skill needed to perform in the different settings of Maternity nursing, including physical and psychological aspects of parenting.

Preparing students to function as effective educators, managers and researchers in the field of maternity nursing.

Department of Community Health Nursing

This department actively participates in preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative referral service and research activities in the field of community Health Nursing. The field training is imparted in urban and rural areas.

The students are trained as care competences for clinical care in the community health. Case finding, case management, observation , treatment and health awareness are carried out in family and community. Students actively participate in all national health programmes and in a regular basis conducting for medical camp and school health programmes.

Department of Child Health Nursing

The department’s primary focus is to equip students with the necessary expertise and abilities to provide comprehensive care for children throughout their developmental stages.

As per the guidelines, the department ensures that its curriculum is aligned with the standards of Pediatric Nursing. Additionally, the departments engage in various international, national and state programmes for the development in the field of Child Health Nursing.

Department of Mental Health Nursing

The Department of Mental Health Nursing is a branch of medicine which deals with causes, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of disorders of higher functions of brain, make the students competent in rendering the best possible clinical care for all psychiatric patients in all settings, excellent training for postgraduate and undergraduate students and make substantial contribution to knowledge through research. Provides knowledge of the various treatment modalities and therapies used in mental disorders. To give counselling for patients who are suffering from mental illness.
